No theory: it involves a lack of explanation of variable relationships.
Concepts and operationalistaion not being in alignment with each other: this problem surfaces when the research design is not reflecting the variables under current study which could be because of differences in analysis level.
Insufficient definition: when the authors are not explaining the meaning of their concepts, moreover when enacting a definition becomes a part of development of theory.
Insufficient rationale-design: there are times when the manuscripts fail to explain the methods or procedures which have been used in the study. This could be size, rate of response and insufficient detail.
Macrostructure-flow and organisation: it is important that various parts of the paper like theory, section, conclusion, methods fit into a coherent whole. Problems may arise if this does not happen.
Not relevant to the field: when the papers are inappropriate for the type of journal they are submitted to and can better be placed in another discipline.
Inadequate research design: the research question that is posed by the study is not being able to be addressed by the current use of methods.
Over engineering: there is so much concentration on methodology sometimes which becomes an end itself.
Conclusions not in alignment: this kind of problem can occur when manuscripts where conclusions are either too short or lack complete interpretation of the findings.
Cutting up the data: when one paper under review for one journal overlaps with another paper by same writers under review for another journal, another problem of this kind comes up